Confusion on Calcium

There is much confusion on Calcium. Unfortunately most calcium supplements are made of Calcium Carbonate. This product is made from rock, limestone. It is a cheap way to make calcium and fairly simple. The good thing about it is that it is already in a 5:1 ratio with Magnesium. That is the proper ratio for the body. But that is the only good thing about it.

Calcium Carbonate is extremely hard to digest. Well of course it is, it is rock. This takes a huge amount of Hydrochloric Acid which the stomach uses to digest food leaving not enough food for digestion. Over time this can drive the ph in the stomach and upper small intestine above the optimum 2-3. A ph over 5 by the way stops the body’s digestion of protein. In other words no protein will get broken down to the amino acid which is what the body needs.

Another problem with Calcium Carbonate is it takes twelve steps to convert once taken to Calcium Bicarbonate which is what our bodies require. This causes a lot of energy to be drawn from the body that can be uses for other functions.

Additionally, Calcium Carbonate is dead Calcium. Calcium in the body is always a neutralizer. Therefore it will pull Calcium out of the body in order to neutralize it. This of course causes a large problem long term.

Thankfully Calcium Bicarbonate, which the body needs has a close sister. It is Calcium Lactate. It takes only one step to convert to Calcium Bicarbonate. In all cases where a patient needs Calcium I use Calcium Lactate. It is made from plants and is by far the best choice. It is five to one with Magnesium and a soft Calcium, easy to digest. Patients react great with it and it is a bone builder.

All supplements also require a good digestive system in order to assimilate the nutrients that one needs. Though we use digestive enzymes in order to accomplish this proper eating is essential. Below are a few tips that will help.

Once your digestion is properly functioning eat:

Protein to help your body absorb calcium and build a structure to


Vegetables and fruit for minerals, vitamins and pH balance.

Fats to help absorb and assimilate vitamins and minerals – calcium

and its cofactors. This includes raw fats, not fats from processed foods.

Exercise & Sunshine – Get out and exercise 30 minutes three times

a week.

If you are taking Calcium Carbonate evaluate your supplementation. I addition if one is on long term Calcium it is important to make sure that the calcium/phosphorus ratio is not off. Bad calcium can wreak havoc on that ratio. As always if there are any questions about Nutrition, Chiropractic, Acupuncture or Sinus Therapy our number is 314-843-9344. You can also get on the website and read the lifestyle lessons. Just click on nutritional lessons. Lesson 16 is on Calcium.


Endo Nasal Sinus Therapy

