How Does Ideal Light’s Non-Surgical Face Lift Work?
The effects of red and near-infrared LED technology on fat cells are well known. However, only Ideal Light’s microchip-based technology can generate beams of near-infrared light with the power necessary to increase the body’s production of collagen and elastin, resulting in:
• A reduction in fine lines and wrinkles
• An increase in facial volume and firmness for a youthful, more energetic appearance
• The reduction in blemishes resulting from aging and sun damage
• A reduction in sagging and loose skin beneath the chin and jowls
No Surgery Necessary
Everyone wants to diminish the unattractive changes that come with aging, no more so than in the face. However, until now, the most effective way to counteract the effects of time on the face was through invasive, painful, and expensive surgical facelifts. However, now this can be avoided with a non-surgical facelift through Ideal Light. Our benefits include:
• Non-invasive, non-surgical, and completely painless treatment
• No recovery period
• The changes take place beneath the skin, so it looks (and is) completely natural
• Effective on all types of skin and skin tones
• Treatments are quick and easy – typically less than 30 minutes each, twice per week
Advanced Slimming Technology
Lipomelt uses advance technology to slim and shape the waist, upper arms, thighs, hips, and stomach. It increases collagen and elastin formation to reduce wrinkles and cellulite.
Lipomelt stimulates fat cells as causes them to release the fat. The body then processes and uses it for energy or eliminates it.
Fat & Body Contouring Science
This Technology Is Incredible!
Proof That Red Light Therapy Devices Work!
To find out more visit the following links:
Independent for non-invasive body contouring
Body contouring using light therapy
Light therapy for fat layer reduction
Efficacy of low-level laser therapy for body contouring
Light therapy as a non-invasive approach for body contouring
What can I expect when I get a Lipomelt treatment?
During a Lipomelt treatment, you will lay down on a table face down or face up depending on the areas that we are treating. Lipomelt has special pads with 5000 diodes that we will wrap the sections of the body we are treating. You then just lay back and relax.
How Does Lipomelt work?
The unique light emitted from Ideal Light causes fat cell membranes to temporarily alter the permeability of the cell wall. This brief change allows some of the fat contents to seep out to where it can then be processed by the body.
Where does the fat go?
The fat is broken down into free fatty acids and glycerol. It then enters the bloodstream and free fatty acids are either eliminated by eh body or used as fuel.
Do I have to exercise?
After each session, you will be on a vibration plate for ten minutes. This helps to drain the fat that has been released. drainage as the fat is released.
Do I have to diet?
You do not need to change your diet but you certainly will lose weight more efficiently. We also do weight loss in the office with great success. Some patients also do that at the same time.
What are the risks?
Lipomelt is a safe alternative to invasive procedures. Lipomelt is 100 percent noninvasive. There are no risks to Lipomelt.
How long do results last?
Lipomelt does not destroy fat cells. Some procedures do which are not advisable as we need our fat cells. As with any weight loss if you eat more calories than your body needs you can gain weight. Some people choose a maintenance program one or two times a month, but we also do encourage healthy eating.
How quickly will I see results?
In most patients, we see a reduction in measurements in one visit.
What areas of the body can be treated?
We use Lipomelt wherever fat is located.
Does Lipomelt help with loose skin and cellulite?
A patient sees improvements in skin tone and texture as well as cellulite.
Are there any contraindications to Lipomelt?
Lipomelt is very safe: The contraindications are the same as many procedures. They include Pregnancy, Active Cancer, Pacemaker, HIV/AIDs, and Hepatitis C.