Acid Suppressing Medication and Digestion

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The PH of the stomach ideally is 1-2. This is almost pure acid. Weekly we see patients that say, ” I have too much acid in my stomach.” The fact is the stomach should be acidic, that is how we digest our food. If it is acidic the food digests and will not turn into acid that causes us problems. When what we eat goes to the stomach the acid in the stomach will start to digest the food. Acid suppressing medications stop the normal physiology of digesting causing you to feel better but not to correct the problem.

Thankfully Whole Food supplementation can be the answer to fixing the gut. Many products from Standard Process can assist us with proper digest while we use Prebiotics to establish normal gut flora. While Probiotics are necessary short term have a limited long term effect. These can reduce and eliminate the digestive problems a patient is having.

Two studies on acid suppressing medications also called Proton Pump Inhibitors have shown them to cause possible chronic Kidney disease. When used a short period of time they can be helpful. But getting to the root cause of the problem is essential to optimal health. Improving ones diet is always beneficial to helping resolve digestive problems.

We always say ” death begins in the colon.” We need to be able to digest our nutrients properly so we can get them to our body. We treat these problems every week with good results


Vitamin B


Weight Loss and Insulin Resistance