Vitamin B
For National Heart Month we showcase the only Vitamin B Whole Food Supplement that we know of, Cataplex B Core. B vitamin is essential for the heart. Whole food B Vitamin has what the heart needs for rate, rhythm and tone. Cataplex B Core is the only one we use. It provides the complete B Vitamin complex. B complex vitamins are almost always synthetic and not the nutrition we want to give the body. Cataplex B has what the body desires.
Cataplex B Core has the B4 factor which is nerve promoting. It improves nerve impulses. When using our Heart Sound Recorder to detect nutritional deficiencies we often can see the Need for B vitamin. When patients are B deficient they take Cataplex B Core correcting the deficiency and then feel better.
B vitamin depletes in 72 hours naturally. The primary things that deplete Vitamin B are alcohol, caffeine, nicotin, white flour and sugar. It is important to your health to always be eating foods with B vitamins and taking a proper B vitamin supplement.