

In most cases headaches are easily treated. Chiropractic is successful in most of these cases. But at times a headache patient presents that is more difficult. They have been to a number of providers with little or no results. In almost every instance there are a number of tests run which are all negative. Though negative tests are good it leaves the patient wondering what to do.

Medications are not the best options in most cases. Most patients are taking NSAIDS that can cause stomach problems including bleeding. NSAIDS are Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory drugs.  Statistics are 16500 people a year actually die from stomach bleeds from NSAIDS. NSAIDS also cripple Phase 2 liver detoxification causing toxins to store up in the body which is a huge negative for long term health. Other medications can also cause unwanted side effects.

The goal is always not to mask pain but to find the cause and correct it.

In these tougher cases we always look to nutrition for an answer. The goal is to isolate what type of headache it is which can be difficult. Some types are Low blood sugar, Food allergy, Liver toxicity, Environmental allergy, Depression, Ovarian, Thyroid, Adrenal, Pituitary, Sunlight exposure and Capillary. Each type of headache has certain characteristics and requires different nutritional support. At times there is a mix between two different types.

Premenstrual headaches are another type that are obviously hormonal type headaches. With these headaches we have to take a look at what is happening hormonal. They are usually associated with he headaches listed above.

Acupuncture is also a fantastic treatment for headache patients. Multiple times when headaches are not responding acupuncture helps to alleviate the symptoms.

I have treated hundreds if not thousands of headaches over the last thirty two years. Most can be treated successfully. If you have headaches give me a call at 314-843-9355. I am always happy to speak to anyone to see how I can help the problem that they are having


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