Vitamin D and Sunscreen

Measure your Vitamin D.

It is always good to measure your Vitamin D levels. I like to see levels to be 35-50. Vitamin D that is too high in the bloodstream can cause headaches which are most often not diagnosed. If being out in the sun causes headaches, this is quite possibly the problem.  Nutritional support to drive the Vitamin D to the skin and soft tissues can be the answer to these headaches. If one is taking Vitamin D supplements and getting sufficient sun and the levels are not rising then there is usually a problem converting the Vitamin D in the Liver. Proper Liver support usually allows the Vitamin D levels to increase in those cases as the Liver converts the D and moves it to the kidneys. It ends up going to the gut and to where the body needs it.

Avoiding the sun according to a Swedish study can be as risky as smoking. One study stated that women who don’t get enough sun because they are covering their body due to religious or cultural reasons develop more osteomalacia. Osteomalacia is a softening of the bones.

If you use sunscreen be aware, Watch the chemicals that cause problems Among the worst chemicals are oxybenzone, Retinyl palmitate and fragrances. Fragrances are normally very bad for your health and are in many products applied to the skin. They are rated 8 out of 10 on the Environmental Working Group website. For a healthy sunscreen contact our office.

If you are going to use sunscreen first get some sun. Screens with zinc oxide that are lotions or creams are the safest. The next best bet is those with titanium oxide. But make sure the product does not contain nanoparticles.  This does not include sprays with the same ingredients as mentioned above.

A few tips are:

Always consume a lot of fruits and vegetables.

When in the sun extended periods try to get in the shade. You only need so much sun.

Also shield your face from the sun.

Always remember the skin is no different than the rest of the body. True healing always comes from within. Diet and exercise are essential. Proper supplementation is a big help.

Last year I went to a dermatologist. I had a lesion on my arm. I was pretty sure it was nothing but decided to check it out any way. The dermatologist quickly told me it was nothing, but she wanted to check all of my skin. She looked over my entire skin and said “what sunscreen do you use.” I said “I have never put sunscreen on in my life.”  She then said you are 57 and have absolutely no sun damage at all expressing her surprise.  Remember, I trained for years in the sun. I have done approximately 200 triathlons, worked when I was young in the sun and spend time in the sun constantly. But the reason my skin had no damage is diet and whole food supplements on the inside effecting my skin on the outside. It always pays to take care of yourself. This is why for years my slogan is, “Reclaim your health, Reclaim your Life.” It is never too late to get on the right road to health.

Any questions or concerns about your Vitamin D? Contact us.


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