Pink Pineapple

Pink Pineapple.jpg

Warning on the Pink Pineapple

If you have not seen it in stores you will soon.” Rose”, the Pink Pineapple. It will probably state “Extra Sweet Pink Flesh Pineapple. They are grown in Costa Rica and will be pushed as a healthy alternative.

The Pink Pineapple is a genetically engineered pineapple. The company that produces them was able to interrupt the enzymes that cause the yellow in pineapple’s through genetic modifications.  This produces lower levels of enzymes (which are the life of a raw fruit or vegetable).

Additionally, all pineapples that are grown in Costa Rica are exposed to a great number of pesticides. These include organophosphates, organochlorides and other hormone disruptors. Hormones disruptors are a large problem as 25 percent of the patients that I see. Female hormonal problems are worsened by any hormone disruptors. They are found in just about anything that goes on the hair or skin and are in many of our foods. The average American consumes in one way or the other over 500 chemicals a day, many being hormone disruptors that will cause hormonal problems. In Costa Rica, approximately 18 pounds of harmful pesticides are used per acre of crops every year.

Pineapples are picked while still green. They are chemically ripened with a chemical that regulates growth called Ethephon one week before they are harvested. This turns into Ethylene.

It is advisable to buy pineapples that are not from Costa Rica. The Pink is just a marketing tactic which is not healthier in any way.


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