Facial Enhancement Acupuncture
Facial Enhancement Acupuncture is a great alternative to a lot of the present day methods of restoring a more youthful appearance to the face. Botox is one of those treatment. Botox or Botulinum toxin is one of the most toxic substances known as reported by Barbano 2006. It has the effect of freezing the muscles in order to prevent wrinkles or crease forming. It also blocks the nerve impulses that contract the facial muscles.
Facial Acupuncture is a more subtle and natural approach with none of the health concerns that are a possible problem with Botox. The next big thing coming are PRP (Plasma Rich Platelets – AKA Vampire Facials) and Human Bio Products • Amniotic Fluid, Human Stem Cells, PRP, Growth Factor. These can cause unwanted reactions.
We do Facial Enhancement Acupuncture as well as Microneedling for a natural alternative. Facial Enhancement Acupuncture works in two ways. We look at the five muscle groups in the area: Eyes, Nose, Mouth, Jaw and Neck. We stimulate these muscles with needles. It is like going to the gym. We are giving the muscles a workout by stimulating it with a needle.
The second part is for lines and wrinkles. These areas are evident in many areas of the face when we get older. With this technique we are putting very small needles into the wrinkles. This produces a small microscopic wound and then the body's natural collagen and wound healing properties fill in the lines. We can also use a serum on the face daily which the patient does at home. We use serums in Microneedling also.
Age spots and old acne scars can benefit from Facial Enhancment Acupuncture as well as Microneedling. Anythnig are that requires collagen induction can benefit from Acupuncture needles in the area.
If you area interested in Natural Cosmetic Therapy call us at 314-843-9355 for a consultation to talk about how it can benefit you.